donderdag 27 december 2012


The moving is going well. Everything from our old small studio is now in the new apartment.Lots of boxes still need to be unpacked, and some stuff still need to be bought. But, weare getting there. We have been sleeping here for about a week, and I'm loving it. It's delightfully quiet here at night! And I want to thank everyone for exchanging christmas cards with me, thank you all

The first day of christmas we were at our own place, and it already felt like home.
We ate nicely baked bread in the morning, had wonderfully big homemade chocolate chip cookies, a lovely dinner and some desserts. We watched Nightmare before christmas and played games. It was a great day.

The second day we have spend at my parents-in-law, together with my partners grandmother, uncle, younger brother and parents. As for gifts we didn't gave any, because moving to this apartment is like one big gift :)
A few days before christmas (the 20th of december) it was our 6th year anniversary, and I gave my loved one a ring, which was very appreciated luckily.

Here are a few snapshots I made in the apartment:

 I hope everyone had a wonderfull christmas!

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Happy holidays to you, too! ♥
    Sounds like you had a great Christmas :) And nice video!

  2. The window photo is amazing!! I hope your new apartment is more spacious than your last:) it looks wonderful! i'm moving soon too! Just 11 days left!! I cant wait!!! XD

  3. The window photo is amazing!! I hope your new apartment is more spacious than your last:) it looks wonderful! i'm moving soon too! Just 11 days left!! I cant wait!!! XD
